October Joliebox

I was really pleased with this months Joliebox as they had 3 full sized products and another few sachets of BB Cream! Which is a product I'm quite intrigued about. 

Ritessens Cleanser OR Exfoliant - This is such a lovely product. It works really well with my skin and smells so clean and refreshing. 
Jason Bee Healthier Lip Balm - I love lip balms but the Balmi from last months box is still my fave, as this tastes like after eight mints and I'm not a fan of them! Still a nice feeling product and makes your lips tingle.
LOV Organic Herbal Tea - The packaging of the tea bags inside the box is too cute to unwrap! It's a good job I don't like/drink herbal tea, cause I wouldn't want to unwrap them. They smell delicious too. 
MOA The Green Balm - A balm that gives moisture to dehydrated skin, will be great now winter is coming and you can put it around your nose when it gets chapped! 
Iroisie BB Cream - Not got around to trying these samples yet, i'm saving it incase i go somewhere nice so they're not wasted.

I know the blog is boring so far, but once I get my head around it all they'll be far more interesting! 


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