Sleek Blush

 Sunrise 924 | Rose Gold 926 | Flushed 935 |  All £4.49
Blush by 3 Pink Spirit | £9.99

Okay, I have a confession to make. I love make-up. I am a make-up hoarder, junkie, obsessed. Whatever you want to call it. Everything about it is brilliant. Apart from when you go into a shop, with make-up counters, you kind of then have a problem, and its not so brilliant for the purse. 

My 2nd favourite make-up product to buy is blush. God knows why, I just love it! (Lipstick is #1)

This post is basically just a rant about blush and how Sleek, is by far my new favourite brand to buy blush from. I was a bit of a meh, use whatever blush person about a year ago. But now, unless it's an absolute must have, I don't think I'll venture out of the Sleek range, as they probably have a dupe for quite a lot of blushes out there. 

What I love about these blushes is the pigmentation, for less than £5, the colour pay off is absolutely unbelievable  Keep light handed though, as you could end up looking like a clown if you're not careful... Trust me. They're super blendable, and the singles have such gorgeous shimmers in them, which gives you a lovely glowy finish, without looking greasy and shiny! The blush by 3 palettes are quite matte, but that doesn't affect the pigmentation. The blush by 3 are better value for money as its 3 full size blushes for the price of 2 singles. 

I admit the colours do look a little scary, but they blend beautifully so don't be put off by the vibrant colours that Sleek have to offer. 

So there we have it, brilliant blushes, for under a tenner! I can't wait to pick up some more shades some time soon. 

Have you tried any Sleek blushes? Do you agree with what I have to say? 

Love Hannah


  1. I've actually never tried the Sleek blushes before (such a shame, I know) But I love their i Devine pallets! I've heard a lot about these blushes, so I'll definitely give them a try. Have you tried the face contour kit before? Because I've heard some good stuff about that as well!

    1. You MUST try these! Absolutely unbelievable for a fiver! Pick up the shades 'rose gold' or 'sunrise' if you do. They're my go-to everyday ones. And yes I use the contour kit, but it is a teeny bit dark for my pale as hell skin, so a lot of blending and buffing is needed. Defo worth a try though. I also use a darker shade of pressed powder to contour if I feel that the Sleek kit is a bit too harsh!


    2. I'll definitely try those shades! They look gorgeous! And I have the exact same problem, I'm very pale so it's extremely difficult to find a good bronzer or contour powder that fits my skin, but I hope I'll have a tan this summer so I can try the Sleek kit!
