Party Planning

Now it's getting to the warmer months, there will be garden parties up and down the country. Whether  it's a birthday party, a garden party, or you just want everybody you love in the same place, this post is for YOU. (and me because) This is year is the year I turn 21. I've never been one to want a massive party and to be the centre of attention. To be brutally honest, I couldn't even think of enough people that could fill a small venue to make a full on party. I have a handful of people I consider my true friends, so why would I want other people there just to make up numbers? Add family to the mix and there you have a perfect guest list for a party filled with the ones you love.

Party Planning Checklist

One to Two Months Before:

- Set the date, time and place of the party - If you're having your party in a venue, BOOK NOW!
- Decide on a party theme or colour scheme - You don't have to have a theme at all! By no means stress out over this. 
- Prepare your guest list - This will help the next bullet point
- Determine your budget - Budgets vary for everybody, once you have the amount of people you think will attend, that will give a brief vision of what food/drink you will need to supply. 
- Start to purchase some supplies - If like me you're planning to buy off Etsy/eBay, work out how long the delivery will take. (It's cheaper if things are imported in from China, but takes a LOT longer to arrive)
- Contact and hire outside party vendors if applicable 

One Month Before: 

- Choose an invite - Or if you're like me and designing one, get it printed now! 
- Start on party decor - Things that require assembly before hand, if you don't want to do this. DO NOT go on Pinterest. I've warned you. I was having a minimal party until I took to Pinterest. 
- Plan the food/drink - Purchase drink in stints if you're having it at home. (Whenever it's on offer in the supermarkets) 
- Order cake/desserts if applicable 

Three Weeks Before: 

- Send out or deliver invites 
- Make sure you have all supplies for the party
- Continue work on party decor

Two Weeks Before: 

-Create a master shopping list of any last minute items needed. 
- Prepare any food that can be frozen/stored until the party - If you're like me, DON'T buy crisps or snacks til last minute ha ha. It won't only ruin your waistline, but will also muck up your budget.
- Make sure you have enough seating/tables. You can usually go for less if you're having a garden party because guests usually stand around and mingle ha ha.

One Week Before: 

- Purchase any additional party supplies
- Call guests that haven't responded. 
- Create a playlist - No party is complete without the music. It's YOUR party, if you like it, add it on.

Three Days Before: 

- Purchase food - and clear out your fridge so it'll all fit in
-Charge any cameras/video recording devices -  Theres nothing worse than getting to the big event, turning your camera on, and seeing the red flashing light. 
- Finish off party decor - When I say finish off, I mean finishing touches. You really want these last few days as stress free as possible. 
- Dust off any cobwebs from the party crockery.

One or Two Days Before: 

- Bake Cake or pick up preordered cake.
- Decorate home or pick up decor for the venue - On the day of the party, you want to do as little as possible (well I do anyway) and store up the energy for the big do. 

Morning of:

- Chill drinks - And maybe have one for yourself
- Final setting up
- Prepare the bathroom - Nobody wants a dirty loo 
- Set out bins/recycle bins - Doing it as you go along is going to be much easier in the morning.

- A Few Hours Before:

- Finish food prep
-Put out all food/cake
-Turn on the playlist - Just incase any early birds arrive
- Sit down and RELAX before guests arrive

Oh my god.... writing that has made me terrified. But if you follow the checklist and be fully prepared,  there is no reason why you should be running round like a loony!!

I hope this has helped some of you, it certainly has given me a huge wake up call. I will be posting little snippets of how I'm getting on over the course of the planning! I'm obsessed with Pinterest, and you can follow/see my birthday board HERE.

Love Hannah

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