Expert Face Brush

Expert Face Brush (£8.99, Superdrug)
Helloo, how are you all today? I have been trying to say to myself to blog Monday, Wednesday and Friday. But whenever I say that, I either forget, or don't have much to say! So one week I might blog 500 times, and the other like, 2. But hey! nobody wants to read something when you can tell your heart hasn't gone into it! 

Anyway! A brush review today! I recently went into Superdrug, and bought only 1 brush! Can you believe it? I very nearly bought the Travel Essentials Kit, I believe it's called? But put it down, and kept this one. 

I've had my eye on this brush for ages, purely because I have seen loads of Youtubers using it as apposed to the buffing brush, and always wondered why. And to be honest, I don't really see the difference to the buffing brush which you can get in the Core Collection! 

The way I use this brush is pretty much the same as the buffing brush. Just dot my foundation all over and buff it in with circular motions. The perks of this product is the flat-ish shape of the brush fits in to creases around under the eyes, and odd places like that. 

However, I would recommend this brush to someone who wants to buy the core collection, purely for the buffing brush, but I feel like I have wasted £9, really for a very similar brush to what I already have! Don't get me wrong, the brush is brilliant. As are ALL the Real Techniques brushes, I just don't need it for foundation as well as the buffing brush!

Do you feel the same about both of these brushes? If so, let me know! Also let me know if you know more of a difference! 

I feel this was a very strange post today, sorry.
Love Hannah

1 comment:

  1. I have this and the core collection and agree they are quite similar... I find the expert face brush is a little denser though so I use it for heavier foundations that need more working into the skin. Plus it means I don't need to wash them so often hehe x
